Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (also known as AMVK) is an artist of singular complexity. Born in 1951 in Antwerp, where she still lives and works, she has been active since the 1970s as a visual artist, graphic designer and performer. She has always been a pioneer. She should, first and foremost, be considered an artist for the future. AMVK’s practice is truly interdisciplinary.

M HKA wants to introduce Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven to a wider audience as an innovator of forms and interpreter of moods - as oxygen of the whole society.


(c)image: AMVK
Morele herbewapening: Bureau, 1997
Mixed Media , 48.5 x 50 cm
monoprint on pvc with magnetic back

(Moral Rearmament: Desk)

"96 images of women underlie Moral Rearmament. I linked these to terms from books about the capacity for internal self-organisation within systems, about thermodynamics and knowledge representation, about methods of organisation within systems in a state of imbalance, about connectionist networks and about the possibilities to represent concepts and associations. In the margins of that big project, I have made many separate works that have ended up magnetically, and therefore rearrangeably, on the frameworks of my HeadNurse structures."