Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (also known as AMVK) is an artist of singular complexity. Born in 1951 in Antwerp, where she still lives and works, she has been active since the 1970s as a visual artist, graphic designer and performer. She has always been a pioneer. She should, first and foremost, be considered an artist for the future. AMVK’s practice is truly interdisciplinary.

M HKA wants to introduce Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven to a wider audience as an innovator of forms and interpreter of moods - as oxygen of the whole society.

Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK

(c)video still: AMVK
The Abstract isn’t Sexually Stimulating, 2000-2001
Video , 00:02:59
computer animation

"Animation of a drawing from my subconscious. In movement, the abstract fantasy gradually yields to nature and mythology – only to disappear at the end, like a though folding itself up. Between the inside and the outside, between good and evil thoughts, there is a place where the body, the mind and other forms of matter play their games."

"Statement: Between the inside and the outside, between good and evil thoughts, there is a place where a game is being played by the body, the mind and other forms of matter."

"In opposition to the arbitrarity, the origin of every written and spoken language, I put the unspoken, the mystic. From disgust to ecstasy, that is what the mystic in general is about. Urewut. The all-devouring lust for life and love. Unification, not feeling separated from the rest. No ego, no boundaries. Creation becomes one with its creator. I call it the analog. The analog versus the arbitrarity. The analog means ritual, evil, mystery, desire, yearning, lust, while the digital is control, technology, sublimation, dependence, cleanliness, transparencies. The analog plus the digital is what we are about: perspective." 


Camera: AMVK

Editing: AMVK

Animation: AMVK

Soundtrack: AMVK

Produced by: AMVK, Club Moral